Elite Range
- Brand Strategy
- Creative Direction
- Art Direction +
- Copywriting
- Design
Horleys was a client that allowed us to strategically position them in the market which was under increasing pressure from domestic and international competitors, higher cost of goods and decreasing shelf space in the trade. We developed the brand’s proposition as ‘Intelligent Nutrition’ and linked the connections between the body + mind through our creative execution of the brand and in campaigns.
Horleys grew from a turnover of 7M to 36M in the span of three years and was considered the ‘premium’ choice. Horleys – ‘Expect’, is the third generation campaign off the successful ‘think big’, ‘think fast’, ‘think fit’ initial launch off the positioning. Looking at trends within the industry – the modern fitness audience is not motivated solely by just big muscles and huge weights but increasingly moving towards being a complete athlete. We capitalised on this trend and delivered a campaign that spoke to the fitness capabilities of what an athlete can do and achieve.

Evan led the team that incubated our new Horleys brand positioning and development. His creative reasoning coupled with an instinctive understanding of our consumer base led to the development of breakthrough campaigns for the Horleys overall brand and Elite range which changed the trajectory of our business. His talent for connecting with the motivations of our target are unique, I have not seen the like in the 11 years I’ve been working with the Horleys brand.
